Thursday 25 July 2024, 09.00 – 16.00

Boiler House, Newcastle University

Join us to learn what the research facilities at Newcastle University can offer your business or research project.

At the event you’ll learn about:

  • the wide range of high specification cutting edge equipment and analysis techniques and applications we can offer
  • the expertise and technical experience of our specialist staff
  • how we can assist with analysis in the fields of materials, manufacturing, pharmaceutical and biological research
  • how we can work with you at every step: including assay design, sample analysis and data interpretation
  • from other companies who have already benefited from working with us and using our services
  • other ways in which you can interact with the university, including funding opportunities and engaging with students
  • how to create longer-term partnerships and collaborative opportunities with the university

There will also be opportunities to network with our teams, other local companies and researchers over lunch, breakout sessions and refreshments.

Free, and open to businesses and researchers

Reserve your place now:

Presented in collaboration with NEPIC and Bionow                         

NEPIC logo for LP

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