Heritage, visualisation and bio-medical part of September Data events
21 August 2020 | By: Andrew Turnbull | 2 min read
The breadth of our work in Data is on show across three events in September as visualisation, heritage and biomedical informatics are explored.
There are three online events planned for September
- Visualisation for Data Science and AI
- Algorithmic vision and making sense of heritage places
- Integrative Analysis of Bio-medical data
Visualisation for Data Science and AI
- From our Visualisation interest group (#VizTIG) and the Alan Turing Institute
- Half day workshop
- Tuesday 8th September 2020 12:45-18.00
- Zoom online
There is a real and growing gap between big data and the human ability to comprehend and act upon the analysis of that data. Research in the science and engineering of visualisation needs to respond to this challenge in order that data and data products remain comprehensible to people. This half-day symposium will explore the latest research in data visualisation, including discussions with leading UK researchers and innovators.
This year we are very pleased to welcome Dr Ruth Rosenholtz from MIT as the symposium keynote presenting “Human vision at a glance” on the links between perception, cognition, and data visualisation.
If you are interested in the following areas of Data Science and AI this symposium is for you:
- Data Engineers seeking to design data systems and ETL pipelines without bias
- Data Scientists seeking to understand the operation of analytics and machine learning
- Business and Financial Analysts seeking insights to live and historical data streams
- High-level Decision Makers seeking accurate, timely summaries of complex uncertain event
- The Public looking for news and advice about everyday life
Please reserve your place via Eventbrite:
For further information or questions, please contact: nick.holliman@newcastle.ac.uk
Algorithmic vision and making sense of heritage places
- Part of our Text & Image: Exploring Cognition series
- Tuesday 15th September 2020 11:30-12:30
- Zoom online
- Dr Areti Galani, School of Arts and Cultures, NU
- Dr Frances Hutchings, Digital Institute, NU
We draw on our experience from an exploratory small-scale collaborative research enquiry to consider how machines understand a heritage location based on image recognition. Different algorithms can be used to pick out what is depicted in an image.
However, each algorithm prioritises different dimensions of the image, such as its colour or the objects in the scene. The research project applied two different image recognition algorithms on a selection of publicly available images (and their user-generated tags) of a historic square in Athens, Greece, harvested from Flickr. We reflect on the challenges for machine vision technologies in untangling landscapes with layered use and histories as well as the role of these technologies in shaping public understandings of heritage places.
For further information or questions, please contact: areti.galani@newcastle.ac.uk
(Meeting details, including the Zoom link to the seminar will be sent out via Microsoft Outlook Calendar on Monday 14th September 2020)
Integrative Analysis of Bio-medical data
- Part of our Biomedical Informatics seminar series
- Wednesday 16th September 2020 09.00-12.00
- Zoom Online
We are excited to bring you our first in a series of bio-health informatics themed seminars. The aim of these seminars is to exemplify how Bioinformatics and Health informatics are converging. Newcastle university has an excellent track record in bioinformatics research, with a growing and vibrant health informatics research culture and strengths in network science, healthcare analytics and integrative data analysis.
Our inaugural kick off meeting aims to promote interaction and discussion on both application-driven and fundamental research. We will discuss the applications of integrative biology and biomedicine, initially focusing on research in data integration and integrative data analytics. All disciplines are welcome to register and attend.
This meeting will be held in an online forum, with short talks by speakers followed by questions and a discussion session.
We are opening invitations for speakers on the subject of integrative bio- and health informatics. Please indicate if you would like to talk, including with a title and short abstract of you talk, on the online registration form.
For further information or questions, please contact: anil.wipat@newcastle.ac.uk
(Meeting details, including the Zoom link to the seminar will be sent out via Microsoft Outlook Calendar on Tuesday 15th September 2020)
About Newcastle Data
One of Newcastle University's Centres of Research Excellence, we aspire to transform research across the University by driving forward the development and application of new methods for extracting value from data. By fostering collaborations with researchers from across the University, we will nurture the development of new methods for extracting value from data, and encourage novel applications of new methods in a variety of domains
Related Links
- Centre for Heritage
- New technology speeds up organic data transfer
- Precision Medicine, Geonomics, and Informatics - one of the research themes in our Faculty of Medical Sciences