Join our Human Nutrition and Exercise Research Centre team to tour our world class research facilities, and discover the ways we work with industry, opportunities to get collaborative funding and to network with our academics.

Hear from our world-leading academics about:

  • working with industry bodies to support functional assessment of fruit juices, Drs Oliver Shannon and Ant Watson
  • introduction to our sports testing service, Dr Adrian Holiday
  • designing a PhD programme to evidence multiple health claims for a vitamin D supplement, Prof Bernard Corfe
  • towards IAEA accreditation, our precision analytics capabilities, Prof Georg Leitz

The afternoon will include:

  • tours to our research areas, exercise assessment suite, nutrition training kitchen, metabolic assessment suite, extreme environments laboratory, and sensory suite
  • talks about our previous collaborations with industry
  • discussion by our business development team about funding routes to support your R&D
  • informal networking with our academics over a buffet

Follow up event

Interested in getting more involved?

Join our HNERC Research Day the following day on Wednesday 2 October. This is a bonus opportunity to gain even more insight into our research projects and hear our plans for the future. If you’d like to attend, please select the box to let us know when you reserve your place.



Reserve your place now